White paper: Supply Chain Network Management 2023
Come sarà un supply chain network stabile nel futuro? Quelle che si affermeranno saranno le reti della catena di fornitura che avranno come fulcro tre capacità: solidità, reattività e resilienza.
Tutte le misure di riconfigurazione sono orientate al rafforzamento di queste tre capacità. Le aziende traggono quindi vantaggio dal fatto che una rete robusta disponga di misure adeguate per proteggersi da eventi di minore gravità e consenta un funzionamento continuo. Quanto più la rete è reattiva, tanto più rapidamente l’azienda è in grado di apportare le opportune modifiche e di mantenere le prestazioni.

White Paper GO GREEN 2022
Temperature record, incendi boschivi, fiumi e laghi prosciugati: i cambiamenti climatici causati dalle emissioni di gas a effetto serra (GHG) non possono più essere ignorati. In Germania, l’industria è responsabile di circa un quinto delle emissioni di gas serra. Secondo il Ministero federale tedesco dell’Economia e della Protezione del Clima, due terzi di queste emissioni sono generate durante la produzione di energia, mentre un terzo viene rilasciato durante la fabbricazione di prodotti, ad esempio nell’industria metallurgica e chimica.
Mentre le emissioni legate a questi processi – metano, protossido di azoto e gas fluorurati oltre all’anidride carbonica (CO2) – sono per lo più inevitabili, la CO2 emessa dalla combustione di combustibili fossili per generare elettricità e calore può essere ridotta o addirittura completamente evitata. Questo è il motivo per cui il governo tedesco sta spingendo per la conversione in un Paese industrializzato neutrale dal punto di vista climatico – lungo l’intera catena del valore.

Industry paper: Food
Apart from the large retail chains, the food sector in Germany is generally characterized by numerous small and medium-sized companies. Most of them have no experience with lean management to date. Producing small batches, delivering just-in-time and responding flexibly to customer wishes is therefore difficult for them to imagine.
Currently, the food industry is dominated by overproduction and excessive inventories. And that has a number of negative effects.

Study: Green Transformation in Mechanical and Plant Engineering
In mechanical engineering, experts currently see three megatrends, which must be combined at companies. Sustainability, digitalization, and systems engineering. According to expert opinions, in order to be able to guarantee comprehensive sustainability, mechanical engineering must work symbiotically with its customers. It is only possible to tackle systematic tasks such as the circular economy by uniting system builders and operators.
So that the green transformation succeeds, companies and their suppliers must cooperate more closely and increase their readiness for transformation. As the results of the study show, it’s likely that not all companies will succeed.

Industry Paper: Private Equity
Financial investments are in demand – now more than ever.
When it comes to analyzing a company’s numbers, financial investors are unreservedly among the professionals. But that doesn’t mean they also have a profound understanding of what is happening on the factory floor. The opinion of the companies surveyed in this private equity study clearly shows: financial investors are valued for their important role and are readily chosen as partners.
At the same time, however, companies would like to see more dialogue at eye level and a better understanding of the peculiarities of their respective industries. Yet, only if partners are on equal footing with mutual respect can the mix of entrepreneurial creativity and financial expertise with a strong capital base realize its full potential. – to the benefit of all involved.

White paper: Process Automation 2021
For companies, the focus of most digitization measures is on performance. Modern digital technologies for process automation help achieve this goal.
Increasing efficiency, achieving greater transparency and reducing costs – according to the Industry 4.0 Index surveyed by Staufen AG, the majority of companies primarily pursue these three goals with digitization. The means to achieve this are modern technologies that focus on simple implementation and application.