About the author

Irina Müller gained her first practical lean experience as a degree candidate in the manufactory of an automotive supplier. The results of the centralization of external warehouses to optimize the production supply resulted in her diploma thesis. After moving to the logistics service provider, she became a project manager in contract logistics. There she was responsible for the planning and implementation of tailor-made logistics concepts for customers in the automotive and aerospace industry. Her successful projects included the introduction of the supermarket principle for the production supply of a first-tier supplier, the restructuring of in-house logistics processes to reduce processing time and sources of error, and the new launches of locations. As a consultant in the intralogistics of a food retailing company, she supervised the planning and execution phases of automated high-bay warehouses as the deputy project manager. During this time, she deepened her knowledge of the shelf and conveyor technology. She has been a consultant at Staufen AG since November 2018.